Sunday, January 27, 2008

I lived in Houston near downtown in an apartment with Peppy. He is the poodle in the picture on the blog site. My apartment had a small patio in the back and peppy would go out the gate and roam around then come back when he was ready. I let him out one morning and went and laid back in bed for a short bit and dozed off. I woke up about 15 min. later to Peppy barking in the living room. I walked out in the living room to see what all the commotion was about. I neglected to grab my glasses and I have terrible eyesight. I bent down to see what he was barking at and a small oppossum hissed at me and Peppy ran at him. I grabbed Peppy and ran in the other room. Peppy was awesome. He was always there to protect me when I needed him. Oh....back to the oppossum. I called the apartment complex and reported to them that I had an oppossum in my living room. They thought I was crazy. They finally sent someone in maintenance to check it out. He came in and validated that I wasn't crazy and went back for a cage. He got the oppossum out and everything was back to normal. This is just one of my animal stories from that apartment complex. Peppy was always there to save the day.

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